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MACI v2.0 Release

What is new in MACI v2


By ctrlc03

We are pleased to announce the release of MACI v2.0.0!

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2024 Q3 Roadmap

Our plans for MACI in Q3 2024


By ctrlc03

We’re excited to share with you what we're building over the next few months. You'll see some of the same themes as our Q2 roadmap as we strive to make MACI and MACI-RPGF more user-friendly and accessible.

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2024 Q2 Review

A review of Q2


By ctrlc03

Glad to have you here! It's that time of the year where we have a few MACI roadmap updates to share. We’re going to take a moment to look at what we accomplished in Q2, as the most active project in the entire PSE GitHub org.

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Revolutionising Public Goods Funding

How can MACI improve public goods funding?


By Vee

Public goods are services or products that are available for everyone to consume, regardless of whether they contribute to their creation. Examples include clean air, public parks, and open-source software. These goods are essential for community welfare but often face funding challenges due to their non-excludable and non-rivalrous nature. This is where blockchain technology steps in, offering a decentralised approach to funding these vital initiatives. Through blockchain, transparency and community participation in funding decisions are greatly enhanced.

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Deciphering MACI - What could we use it for?

An introduction to MACI's use cases


By Vee

Welcome to the intriguing world of blockchain! This guide delves into Minimal Anti-Collusion Infrastructure (MACI), essential for those exploring secure, private voting on the blockchain.

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Understanding MACI - A Beginner's Guide to Private On-Chain Voting

An introduction to MACI's


By Vee

In this blog post, we’ll give a high-level, beginner friendly introduction of what Minimal Anti-Collusion Infrastructure (MACI) is, and how it could be used in a real-world context. We’ll take you through the essentials of MACI, making complex concepts accessible regardless of your background in the blockchain space.

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Upcoming grants for MACI protocol improvements

Dive into the next MACI protocol changes and improvements.


By ctrlc03

Minimal Anti Collusion Infrastructure (MACI) is a public good that allows one to run secure, private, on-chain voting polls.

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The Origins of MACI - Vitalik’s Vision for Secure Digital Voting

An introduction to MACI's history


By Vee

Minimal Anti-Collusion Infrastructure (MACI), is making waves in the world of private, digital voting. But where did this technology originate? Vitalik Buterin is the mind that thought of MACI. In this post, we’ll dive into his vision for a more secure and private digital voting system.

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A post mortem of the MACI bug that caused a denial of service during the ETHDam Quadratic Funding round


By ctrlc03

During ETHDam's Quadratic Funding round, run on, we discovered a critical bug in MACI. The issue stemmed from the lack of validation on MACI public keys within the [Poll contract]. A user (spoiler alert, it was a self-inflicted denial of service (DoS)) was able to submit a MACI public key which was not a point of the Baby JubJub elliptic curve, and it broke everything.

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2024 Q2 Roadmap update

A review of Q1 and our plans for MACI in Q2 2024


By Sam Richards

Glad to have you here! We have a few MACI roadmap updates to share.Before we hop into our Q2 plans, let's take a look at what we did in Q1:

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MACI v1.2.0 Release

MACI v1.2.0: Enhancing Blockchain Privacy & Security with Developer-Friendly Updates


By ctrlc03

We are pleased to announce the release of MACI v1.2.0

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New year, new MACI

Welcome to 2024. MACI's New Year, New Team, New Roadmap


By Sam Richards

Happy 2024 and welcome to the new MACI documentation website and blog! Moving forward, we’ll post our latest project news and development updates here.

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MACI v1.1.1 Release

Announcing the release of MACI v1.1.1, introducing enhanced security measures, new features, and an updated documentation guide to bolster the integrity and functionality of on-chain voting processes.


By ctrlc03 & chao

We are pleased to announce the release of an updated version of MACI - Minimal Anti-Collusion Infrastructure v1.1.1.

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A Technical Introduction to MACI 1.0

Discover MACI 1.0: A groundbreaking solution for secure, collusion-resistant on-chain voting, powered by zk-SNARKs, ensuring transparency and integrity in every vote.


By Kyle Charbonnet

MACI, which stands for Minimal Anti-Collusion Infrastructure, is an application that allows users to have an on-chain voting process with greatly increased collusion resistance. A common problem among today’s on-chain voting processes is how easy it is to bribe voters into voting for a particular option. Oftentimes this bribery takes the form of “join our pool (vote our way) and we will give you a cut of the rewards (the bribe)”. Since all transactions on the blockchain are public, without MACI, voters can easily prove to the briber which option they voted for and therefore receive the bribe rewards.

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MACI 1.0 Release

Introducing MACI 1.0: A milestone release enhancing decentralized applications' collusion resistance, featuring improved developer experience and gas efficiency.


By Koh Wei Jie

The Privacy & Scaling Explorations team is proud to release version 1.0 of Minimal Anti-Collusion Infrastructure (MACI). MACI enables collusion resistance for decentralised applications, particularly voting and quadratic funding systems. This release is a major upgrade to the project and provides better developer experience and gas savings for users.

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